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User-Contributed Software


The software found on this page has been contributed by IRMP3 users. This software may be outdated or unmaintained. Please contact the author of the particular patch or module for support.

irmp3-player (Submitted by Arjen Veenhuizen)

  • A Windows GUI for irmp3.

irmp3-ncurses (Submitted by Ross Kendall Axe)

  • A text-based GUI for irmp3.

muwed (Submitted by Andreas Krebs)

  • mp3 database with irmp3 support

lcd-noheartbeat patch (Submitted by David Potter)

  • For LCDProc -0.4-pre8 only
  • Removes the heartbeat
  • Removes the "server screen"
  • Makes LCDProc sleek, quiet, elegant and clean.

mod_scinput (Submitted by Michael Jaeger)

  • Written for IRMP3 v0.4.3-pre3
  • Provides enhanced control via PC keyboard, including shortcut keys.

Mod_search (Submitted byChristopher Wise)

  • Written for IRMP3 v0.4.3-pre3
  • Adds new search commands that allow selective searches for albums, artists or song titles

irmp3play.pl (Submitted by Volker Wegert)

  • Written for irmp3 0.4.3pre6
  • Should work with any 0.4.3-preX providing mod_netctl
  • Uses mod_netctl to send a play command to an irmp3 daemon. The file name to play is taken as a command line argument.
  • Hint: I like to use this script to trigger playback of my MP3 files using the Midnight Commander.

IRMP3 Client Tools (Submitted by Bryan Clingman)

From the README:
This code is licensed under the GPL.
The IRMP3 client tools on this page function to provide a remote monitoring interface to IRMP3. They use the mod_netctl module of IRMP3.
There are two tools:

  • irmp3_monitor: a GTK+/GNOME interface as seen in the screenshot above. irmp3_monitor displays the current song information and volume information as obtained from IRMP3. There is also a pop-up menu to do simple control actions.
  • irmp3_sdl_monitor: A similar SDL interface meant to be used as a front end in an entertainment center. This client is inspired by bosdl used by bossogg. It's currently in a very raw state, but it does function.

mod_keyseq (Submitted by Richard va Paasen)

  • Written for irmp3 0.4.3pre7
  • From the README:
    This patch adds the mod_keyseq and mod_blacklist to irmp3. It also adds some functions, e.g. sorting the playlist and getting a list of files in the playlist. A detailed description of mod_keyseq and mod_blacklist is given in the modules source files.

mod_lcdproc patch (Submitted by Marco Glatz)

  • Written for irmp3 0.4.3pre7
  • Support for marquee-scrollers
  • Support for switchable backlight. LCDproc 0.4.3 required !
  • Removes heartbeat

mod_mixer_save (Submitted by Marco Glatz)

  • Written for irmp3 0.4.3pre7
  • This module stores the settings of the volume, bass, treble and balance in a file and restores the settings at the next startup of IrMP3.

mod_playlist patch (Submitted by Marco Glatz)

  • Written for irmp3 0.4.3pre7
  • This patch applies a new command "playlist restart", so if you stop the player and execute a playlist restart, IrMP3 starts playing the last played song and continues with the playlist (Just like a normal play-button on your cd-player). Works with "loaddir" and "playlist load".

qmp (Submitted by Andre Merlin)

qmp is a set of PHP-scripts to set up a MP3 database (using MySQL). You can browse or search that database and create playlists. There is an interface to send playlists to irmp3 and do some basic control.


IRMP3 is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
